Funding for Student Travel
The following criteria will be used to assist the CTAHPERD Executive Council in determining the distribution of resources for student travel. The CTAHPERD Student Travel fund has been set up to assist students who wish to attend a professional conference. Preference will be given to a student or group of students who has/have been accepted to present at that conference. Completing the application process in full will put the student in the current pool for funding but does not guarantee that they will receive funding. It is strongly recommended that students involve a faculty advisor in the application process.
Complete Student Travel Funding Request application form by 2.15.25
Send a student representative to a CTAHPERD Executive Council meeting in advance of the convention or conference to formally present the request(s) on behalf of the institution. (March 1st, 2025)
Submit to the CTAHPERD Executive Council an itemized copy of the (proposed) trip costs including hotel, travel, and registration.
Write an article about your conference/convention trip and submit it to the CTAHPERD Bulletin Editor.
All student travelers must be SHAPE and CTAHPERD members.
Student is a named presenter at the conference or convention for which they are seeking funding.
Students have conducted fundraising to cover at least 10% of the total cost of the trip (individually or as a group).
Students have formally applied for funding from an institutional funding source including Student Government or a supporting Foundation or Fund . (individually or as a group).
Ed Manfredi, Executive Director
CT Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
PO Box 35, 10 Bank St.
Granby, CT 06035
Approved 6/09
revised 2/25