10 Bank St. P.O. Box 35 Granby, CT 06035


By joining CTAHPERD you can enhance your professional growth and give back to your professional community. JOIN NOW!

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Opportunities for Leadership

Are you ready to take an active  role in the success of your professional association?

Our organization provides several types of leadership development opportunities:

Elected Officer on Executive Council

Members may be nominated by peers or volunteer to run for the following offices: President Elect, Vice President Elect for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Secretary, and Treasurer. Contact the current President or Executive Director, Ed Manfredi with your nomination at edmanfredi@ctahperd.org. The call for nominations closes February 1 yearly.

Committee Service

Volunteers are invited to participate on a standing committee: Awards, Bylaws, Legislative Action/Advocacy, Public Relations, and Strategic Plan or on a Presidential Committee or Ad Hoc Committee. If you would like to be considered for a committee, contact the current President about your interest.

Workshop Presentations

Presenters share best professional practices and knowledge of specific topics with peers. Regional Workshops are offered throughout the year by our members. Contact the Regional Directors, or Executive Director, Ed Manfredi, edmanfredi@ctahperd.org, if you would like to offer your service.


CTAHPERD publishes one print issue of The Bulletin – Fall and two electronic issues – Winter & Spring. Members are invited to submit activities/experiences that have worked very well in the classroom and/or research based articles. Submission deadlines are September 15, January 15 and April 15. Contact Bulletin Editor, Matthew Martin, at matthewmartin@ccsu.edu to submit your article.

Officers 2024-2025


Kelsey Maxwell

Harford Public Schools

Hartford, CT 06103

President Elect

Amanda Amtmanis
Spencer School
Middletown, CT 06457

Past President

Geri Ann Ristow
Rochambeau Middle School
Southbury, CT 06488


Karen Bosworth

Cromwell Middle School
Cromwell, CT 06416


Ann Marie Colebrook
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Bulletin Editor (non-voting)

Matthew Martin
Central CT State University
New Britain, CT 06050

Community Service Coordinator

Amanda Amtmanis
Spencer School
Middletown, CT 06457

Office Manager (Non voting)

Kathy Nauber
City Hill Middle School
Naugatuck, CT 06770

Email: knauber@ctahperd.org

Executive Director (non-voting)

Ed Manfredi

10 Bank St. P.O. Box 35

Granby, CT 06035
