19 N. Riverside Ave. P.O. Box 320, Terryville, CT 06786

Teacher Resources

Health & PE ideas/links

CT Physical Fitness Printable 2022-23 Certificate 

Download Certificate HERE


New!!  The Connecticut Department of Education has officially published the new Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework. The HBLCF gives guidance for Health and Physical Education Curriculum in Connecticut, and should be the basis from which teachers and districts build their curriculum. 

Download Full Curriculum HERE

Download Letter from CSDE HERE

Watch Video HERE

Grants and Funding Resources

Congress has allocated $100+ billion to K-12 schools through Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief funds

To help schools navigate and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has allocated nearly $190 billion to K-12 schools through Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. Schools must prioritize funding interventions that support students’ social, emotional and academic needs. Be sure to speak to your principal or your school district’s federal funding director to learn more about how your school or school district intends to spend their ESSER funds. READ MORE

Additional Fact Sheet HERE

Federal relief funding is available for PE in the U.S.

Be a champion for your program and make a difference for your students. We’re here to help with federal funding details, a state/district funding finder, examples of how relief funding can be used for PE, CARES funding success stories, and more. READ MORE

ADVOCACY Resources

Every Move Counts: World Health Organization Guidelines on Physical Activity

The WHO Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world, provides a framework of effective and feasible policy actions which can help support, retain and increase physical activity through cross-government and multi-sectoral partnerships across all settings, as a coordinated and comprehensive response. READ MORE

School Specialty

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted a lot of healthy habits, including exercise for children. Experts say now is the time to get kids moving. READ MORE

NEW Position Statement – Physical Activity Should Not Be Used as Punishment and/or Behavior Management. SHAPE America asserts the position that withholding physical activity (PA) and physical education (PE) as a form of punishment and/or behavior management is inappropriate. In addition, administering physical activity as punishment is inappropriate. READ MORE 

Health & PE Resources

Varsity Brands

Varsity Brands is dedicated to elevating student experience and creating strong school connections for your entire community. Believe In You student leadership and social and emotional learning resources are available to help teachers and administrators empower students to share their unique greatness with the world. READ MORE


Earn professional development house with Gopher’s free on-demand professional development webinars. LEARN MORE 

SHAPE America’s EDI Podcast

SHAPE America’s EDI Podcast will explore a variety of topics relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion in health and physical education. Each episode will feature insightful interviews and discussion with invited guests, podcast host Sean Nevills, and the rest of the EDI Podcast team. WATCH OR LISTEN 

OPEN Digital SEL Student Journals in English and Spanish

Social and Emotional Learning remains a top priority for Varsity Brands as students, faculty and staff return to campus this year. The Believe in You Social and Emotional Empowerment Program, designed around core SEL competencies, provides free resources to help teachers facilitate student social and emotional growth and development. MORE INFO 


The Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance would like to share short mini lessons, that exemplify the resilience and adaptability of our current teaching situation. This collection of teaching tips, mini lessons and COVID-19 best practices in Health and PE was generated from teachers across the state who were recognized for their creativity, hard work and excellence in teaching during these challenging times.  VIEW FILE HERE


Toy Talk Tuesday is a biweekly series of interviews about topics in health and physical education from SHAPE America’s Teacher of the Year Partner Network. Each episode features tips and actionable resources from SHAPE America’s National and District Teachers of the Year. READ MORE

Impact Teen Drivers (ITD)

ITD’s mission is to stop the number one killer of teens in America–reckless and distracted driving. We would like to partner with Connecticut health educators. We believe our programs are a good fit with CTAHPERD’s mission to advocate for healthy lifestyles by providing leadership and professional development opportunities that increase knowledge and sound professional practices, particularly in public advocacy projects. We welcome you to learn more and preview our Connecticut teen safe driving resources. READ MORE

IDT Resource Guide – Resource Guide_CT_2021

How to Create a Randomizer Video for PE

Many physical educators (K-12) have been using randomizer videos to increase engagement and provide a little more fun in remote learning sessions. This blog (including a video) walks you through how to create a custom randomizer video for your students. READ MORE

Forum on Mental Health and Substance Abuse

The COVID-19 pandemic has created both short-term and long-term negative consequences for behavioral health outcomes. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders hosted a free public virtual workshop: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in the Era of COVID-19: With a Special Focus on the Impact of the Pandemic on Communities of Color.